Archive for September, 2009

She’s Safe!

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Thanks to Adam of Estrella, we’ve found out that Sugata is safe and looks great!

We had been worried because we thought she was still in the work yard, which had 4 feet of raging water running through it. You can imagine our relief when Adam said no, she had been moved to the storage yard a few weeks back!

Plus, she was moved to an ideal location, with the least amount of water and mud. Hooray!

Adam trudged through mud and scoured the yard, checking on a number of boats for folks like us. And he got this photo for us:


Three cheers for Adam! And let’s hope that San Carlos, and other hard-hit towns, will have a speedy recovery from Jimena.

Nail Biting

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

Yesterday we got a comment from Marcus, ex-Restless, former owner of Sugata. “Have you heard how she fared in the tropical storm?” About the same time we got an email from Lisa of Beyond Reason. “Have you guys heard anything?!”

Turns out, while the winds were not substantial, an unprecedented amount of rain fell on San Carlos, resulting in massive flooding and washed-out roads. And Marina Seca, where Sugata is on the hard (or maybe, on the soggy) is basically ground zero!!! (more…)