Well, we’re back in La Paz, and Koiya is back aboard! We really missed her, but she had a good trip back to San Francisco.
Todd and I headed out to Isla Espiritu Santo and Isla Partida for Christmas and New Year’s. We had a couple of great snorkeling trips, despite the 65 degree water, as well as some fun hikes. The dominating theme, though, was the strong north winds that blew almost constantly while we were out, causing our anchor to drag on a couple of nights.
I won’t go into all the details, but for those of you who don’t sail, dragging anchor is like erectile dysfunction: it happens to everyone, but no one wants to admit it, and men find it terribly embarrassing!
After considering all the evidence, Todd came to the conclusion that he needed a bigger anchor. “If it were bigger, it would do the job,” he insisted.
“Maybe it’s not your tool,” I replied. “Maybe it’s just…uh… how you use it.”
Boy, was that the wrong thing to say! “There is nothing wrong with my technique!” he cried.
“You’re right, honey,” I said, quickly backtracking. “I’m sure it’s not you!”
Luckily, I soon had the opportunity to bolster Todd’s confidence, because he did an awesome job docking the boat in a very tight spot at Marina de La Paz. A guy on the dock even asked if we had a bow thruster! “No,” I crowed, “My guy doesn’t need those fancy toys. He just has the touch!”
So, Capn DragBottom is looking for a bigger anchor. In the meantime, we’re getting groceries and taking care of boat tasks to prepare us for our crossing to mainland Mexico. We’re waiting for a delivery from Downwind Marine, that should be here on Jan. 8.
It’s not all work though. On Friday we went to a really cool whale museum, where a sculptor is working on restoring whale skeletons. They also show kids how to use recycled materials to make whale sculptures. A sign out front says “Environmental education by way of art”. Right on!
And on Saturday, Eduardo and his family came to visit us on the boat, then took us out to their house for a BBQ. They have a lovely house in a quiet area outside of La Paz! It was great for Koiya to meet Daniel, who is also 10 and is learning English. The two of them played a Star Wars PS2 game that Daniel got for Christmas. It was cute to hear him telling Koiya, “Follow me!” And the food was delicious! We really enjoyed spending the afternoon with them; they are great people.
See all of our recent pictures here:
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Happy New Year! What fabulous photos overlooking the cove as you hiked. Hope you are both feeling rested as you return to La Paz, despite the anchor adventures. As much as I love key lime pie, I’m not sure I would be willing to do meringue by hand. *tips her cooking hat to Susan*
Trish and Larry, Jef and I played Euchre to bring in the New Year, and it is clear who loses their place in the game. (Not the guys!) However Trish and I gave them a run for their money, but we didn’t use San Francisco rules! Who thought those up anyway!! My mother, (Todd’s grandmother) never forgets whose turn it is though, and she plays a mean game of scrabble. His grandfather is a precise and fastidious engineer type who would never miss a trash can (just defending family honor here a bit)!
Like one of Susan’s brothers, we check often for news and photos. Thanks for posting!
Shay and Jef
Hey Todd,
Andy wanted me to let you know that he would be happy to give you a little tutoring in anchoring.
When are you guys coming across? We need friends to drink, banter and rag on people with.