She’s Safe!

Thanks to Adam of Estrella, we’ve found out that Sugata is safe and looks great!

We had been worried because we thought she was still in the work yard, which had 4 feet of raging water running through it. You can imagine our relief when Adam said no, she had been moved to the storage yard a few weeks back!

Plus, she was moved to an ideal location, with the least amount of water and mud. Hooray!

Adam trudged through mud and scoured the yard, checking on a number of boats for folks like us. And he got this photo for us:


Three cheers for Adam! And let’s hope that San Carlos, and other hard-hit towns, will have a speedy recovery from Jimena.

4 Responses to “She’s Safe!”

  1. MArcus says:

    Susan do you know of any organizations that are collecting donations to help the people of San Carlos?

  2. MArcus says:

    From Latitude
    “The extent of the devastation to the Mexican people on Baja and across the Sea in the Guaymas area is still unfolding, but it’s significant. The affected people are linked in many ways to those of us who cruise the Sea of Cortez, and they are now in great need. Many have lost everything. Unfortunately, the mainstream media dropped the story once they reported that the availability of Jello shooters was unaffected by the hurricane in Cabo. But the need for relief is still there, and urgent.

    “This website lists locations in southern Arizona to drop off relief goods for transportation to the San Carlos/Guaymas area. It also lists points of contact at San Carlos for the relief effort, and includes a link to enable cash donations to be made via PayPal.

    “The Baja Bush Pilots website lists drop-off locations in California, including ones in Los Gatos and and East Bay, plus San Diego. It also provides an address for mailing cash donations.”

  3. MArcus says:

    Did the big girl panties need to be washed out?

  4. Susan says:

    Hi Marcus,

    I asked and was directed to this site, which seems to have a lot of overlap from the one you posted:

    Apparently Mexico is TCOB, as one poster to another site notes: “Just a little more than a week after a mega disaster and Mexico responds quickly. FEMA should have hired Mexico to aid the recovery in New Orleans after Katrina. These folks don’t sit around and gab. They take the proverbial bull by the horns and get things done.”

    For more on the Mexican government’s response post-Jimena, check out the end of this post from our friend Adam (who got us the photo of Sugata):

    And no, the big girl panties aren’t getting a laundering… they’ve been declared a loss. We’re gonna have to buy a new pair.